
Quick to Observe

So, I'm having trouble seeing if my talks are posting. I don't even know if that makes sense. The last few edits have not shown up on my end. I'm going to post another one and I guess we'll just see how it goes. Anyhow, here's another great Elder Bednar address. It is from a BYU devotional May, 2005.

Click HERE to listen (right-click to download) Enjoy!



Christ-Centered Healing...

...from Depression and Low Self-Worth

This talk, given by Carrie Wrigley at BYU Education Week in 2005, is a keeper. It has helped me substantially.

To listen, click HERE.



To Learn and to Teach More Effectively

This talk, by Elder Richard G. Scott, is from this year's BYU Education Week. It is a WONDERFUL talk - not only about learning and teaching - but of living in the Spirit. I love it!

Click HERE to listen.
Click HERE to read.
"Throughout the remainder of my life, I will seek to learn by what I hear,
see, and feel. I will write down the important things I learn and I will do



Let Us Run With Patience...

the Race That is Set Before Us... Well, what better way to start BYU football season than with a talk by Steve Young and Truman Madsen. What?? Steve Young and Truman Madsen gave a talk together? They did and it's WONDERFUL!!! I hope you enjoy it!

Click HERE to listen.

Don't forget you can subscribe now through iTunes or any other method you prefer. :)



Be Ye Therefore Perfect

Another great Women's Conference address. This one is by Sister Sydney S. Reynolds. If you are a Primary person - you might recognize Sister Reynold's name as one that appears on numerous Sharing Time helps in the Friend! She served with Sister Menlove and Sister Clegg in the Primary General Presidency.

Click HERE to listen.
Click HERE to read.



The Lord Doesn't Grade on a Curve

I really enjoyed listening to President Rex E. Lee. I am grateful for the time he was spared his cancer to serve as President of BYU before passing away in 1996. Tonight, for some reason I was thinking of a couple of my favorite talks by Sister Lee. I hope you enjoy them!

The first is "The Lord Doesn't Grade on a Curve."

Click HERE to listen.
Click HERE to read.

The second is "Knowing When to Persevere And When to Change Direction." This talk really touched my heart. Unfortunately, it is not available in audio format.

Click HERE to read.

It isn't very long and I am not going to quote anything. The entire devotional is worth the time.


PS I have been putting the talks on an rss feed so I will have links for you to subscribe soon! If you are an iTunes subscriber - just search for "Whit's favorite LDS talks" (title) or "whit larson" (author) and you can subscribe now. I only have 8 or so talks on so far, but I'll keep adding!!!!


Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence

This address by Elder Holland was first brought to my attention by my Mom. It has helped me SO much. Just yesterday it came up again as I was substitute teaching RS. So, thanks Mom!

Click here to listen (right-click to download).
Click here to read.
"If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don't give up when the pressure mounts. You can find an apartment. You can win over your mother-in-law. You can sell your harmonica and therein fund one more meal. It's been done before. Don't give in. Certainly don't give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. He wants everyone to be miserable like unto himself. Face your doubts. Master your fears. "Cast not away therefore your confidence." Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you."



Goodbye, President Faust...

"One of the greatest blessings of life and eternity is to be counted as one of the devoted disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ."

"For most of us, however, what is required is not to die for the Church but to live for it. For many, living a Christlike life every day may be even more difficult than laying down one's life."

Here are a couple of talks by President Faust. He passed away this morning. I will miss him. Wasn't he wonderful - weeping in our last conference? How grateful I am for living Prophets.

Listen to his beautiful talk on forgiveness from this past conference.
Or read it.



For Such a Time as This

I heard this amazing talk at Women's Conference.

Click HERE to listen - right-click to download.
Click HERE to read.

Let me know what you think!



O Be Wise

Another favorite conference talk. This one is by Elder M. Russell Ballard. The scriptural reference is my husband's favorite scripture: O be wise; what can I say more? (Jacob 6:12) This is one of my favorite leadership talks. We are all teachers and leaders and this talk is wonderful for each of us. Here is a quote from the talk that I especially love:

Occasionally we find some who become so energetic in their Church service that their lives become unbalanced. They start believing that the programs they administer are more important than the people they serve. They complicate their service with needless frills and embellishments that occupy too much time, cost too much money, and sap too much energy. They refuse to delegate or to allow others to grow in their respective responsibilities.

As a result of their focusing too much time and energy on their Church service, eternal family relationships can deteriorate. Employment performance can suffer. This is not healthy, spiritually or otherwise. While there may be times when our Church callings require more intense effort and unusual focus, we need to strive to keep things in proper balance. We should never allow our service to replace the attention needed by other important priorities in our lives. Remember King Benjamin's counsel: "And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength" (Mosiah 4:27).
To listen, click HERE.

To read, click HERE.



Experiences Worth Remembering

Well, in honor of Pioneer Day... I just LOVE this talk by President Hinckley given in a BYU devotional last year. There really are things worth remembering. So, today let's all stop and remember. Give thanks for those who came before us - sealing their testimonies with their blood. Whether you have ancestors who crossed the plains, or whether you are a convert to the church - these men and women and children did hard things in the name of their God, who is our God. They helped the Savior roll the gospel forth and I thank them!

To listen, click HERE.

To read, click HERE.

Happy 24th, everyone!



Chosen... To Witness For His Name

Janet Scharman - WC 2001

Click HERE to listen.
Click HERE to read.

I LOVE this talk. I heard it at WC in 2001 and I have used the story of the chicks in more than leadership training, talk, lesson, etc. Enjoy!!



Famous Last Words

Okay, so I think I'm on a bit of a Sheri Dew kick right now. Here is another GREAT one!!

Click HERE to listen, right-click to download.
Click HERE to read this one.



The Best Three Hours of the Week

John Bytheway is an excellent youth speaker. My daughter love, love, loves him... This talk is, in my opinion, one of the best talks on the Holy Sabbath Day that I have ever heard. I hope you enjoy it on this beautiful (but hot) Sabbath Day.

To listen, click HERE (right-click to save)

I don't think this one is just for the kids!!



Knowing Who You Are...

And Who You Always Have Been - by Sheri Dew (WC 2001)

To LISTEN, click HERE (right-click to save).

To READ, click HERE.

I cannot believe that I have posted more than ten talks and this is the first talk by Sister Sheri L. Dew. I love her! I do not suffer much from hero worship as a rule. Don't gasp, but I don't care if I ever meet Brad Pitt! But I do have heroes that include Sister Sheri Dew, along with Sister Edmunds, Sister Hafen, Sister Holland, Sister Hinckley, Sister Grassli, Sister Menlove, Sister Lant... Mother Eve, more than one Biblical Mary, Martha, and so - SO many others. I admire strong women (it is weird that I almost typed "strange" women - we ARE supposed to be strange (peculiar) aren't we??) and our church is FULL of strong women. But of all of these strong women, few have influenced me personally as much as Sister Dew. When she speaks, the Spirit teaches me. This talk, in particular has had great influence over my life. Thank you, Sister Dew!

I had the opportunity to listen to her speak recently at the Mary Ellen Edmunds Nursing Endowment for the Healer’s Art (BYU). She spoke with Wendy Watson Nelson and Mary Ellen Edmunds. It was an AMAZING night! This is a picture we snapped of MEE and SLD with their visual aids!


Of One Heart

Okay, so I really love the other talk I posted by Bro. Anderson - but I think this is the one I thought the other one was.... Does that make sense?

Anyhow, here is the link: http://byubmp3.byu.edu/edweek99/sanderson.mp3

It is from Education Week 1999.



The Glorious Cause of America

So, here's the thing... It's the 4th of July weekend and I'm leaving any minute for a family reunion... I really wanted a good patriotic talk, but couldn't think of one (if you know of a good one - leave it in the comments). So, I went out and found this one. I have no idea if it's good or not. Wierd. But, it probably is!! It is David McCullough, BYU Forum, 2005.

To listen click HERE.
To read click HERE.

Happy 4th!!



Best Talk TO and ABOUT Women

Well, I don't know if this is the BEST talk, but it is certainly one of my all time favorites. A must listen-to!! Elder Bruce C. Hafen and his wife Marie gave these talks at Women's Conference in 2001. The title is "The Touch of Human Kindness: Women and the Moral Center of Gravity" - amazing!

Click HERE to listen - right-click to download.
Click HERE to read.

One of my favorite quotes from the talk:

"It is as if our culture had two hands, a female hand that was morally healthy, and a male hand that was morally withered. In the name of equality, we held up both hands and said, "Please make both my hands the same," and what happened? Both hands became withered. And so our generation has romped into history's most staggering sexual revolution, seeking male/female equality by encouraging women to imitate the habitual promiscuity of men. "


The Parable of the Pickle...and a bonus talk!

Okay, most of you probably remember this talk. I have a confession to make about it before I post it... I was riding in the car and listening to conference. I had missed the introduction and had no idea who was speaking. I kept thinking, "What a WEIRD talk." Seriously. So... as the talk goes along, the Spirit starts to take hold - and I realize it's Elder Bednar speaking. Okay, I'm not sure which happened first. I like to believe that I started feeling the Spirit before I realized it was Elder Bednar but my husband says I have a photogenic and not a photographic memory (Reader's Digest joke). Anyhow... I learned a couple of things from this experience. I learned that it doesn't matter who's speaking - I need to have my spiritual ears tuned in. I learned that in today's world, great truths can be hidden in parables just as they were in the times of Christ. I LOVE this talk. I have learned more from this talk this year than almost any others I've listened to or read. I have listened to it several times and read it even more. I think I almost understand it - or at least as much as I can for now.

As promised. This is a talk that didn't make me laugh or cry. Okay, maybe I did cry a little. At the end. When he bears his testimony - and he cries. I cry when I listen to it now. Now that I understand it a little better.

Ye Must Be Born Again - Elder Bednar - General Conference - April 2007

Click HERE to listen. (right-click to save)
Click HERE to read.

The bonus talk is another talk by Elder Bednar. This was a CES address and I have used it in numerous training messages. I LOVE this talk. It is a great talk on how to become a better teacher. And we are ALL teachers.

Seek Learning by Faith - CES Address - February 2006

Click HERE to listen (right-click to save).
Click HERE to read.


That We May Be One

So I love, love, love Bro. Scott Anderson. I have enjoyed his talks so much over the years. They make me laugh and cry and I always learn so much from him. Hmmm... lots of laughing and crying going on this week. I really DO like talks that don't make me do either. I'll link to one of those in my next post.

That We May Be One - Education Week (2003)

Click HERE to listen. (right-click to download)

This week for Gospel Doctrine I am studying the Savior's intercessory prayer in John 17 (http://scriptures.lds.org/john/17). It reminded me of this talk so I thought I'd re-listen to it and post it for all of you. Don't say I never did anything for you!



The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism

So, my Mom had thyroid surgery today. They found cancer. We are fortunate to have had early detection and so everything should go well for her.

Bad things often happen to good people. It is part of our growth process. Part of becoming better disciples of Christ. Part of becoming more Christlike.

Here is one of my favorite talks on discipleship, by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. It is called "The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism." This one won't make you laugh, but it will probably make you cry. The audio file also contains a beautiful talk by Sister Patricia Holland entitled "The Soul's Center."

Click HERE to listen (right-click to save) (this talk is not in MP3 format, but in real audio format)

Click HERE to read Elder Holland's talk.

Click HERE to read Sister Holland's talk.

"You and I won't ever find ourselves on that cross, but we repeatedly find ourselves at the foot of it. And how we act there will speak volumes about what we think of Christ's character and his call for us to be his disciples." - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland



Mary Ellen Edmunds

Well, I have to tell you that I just love MEE. She is a joy to listen to and I feel fortunate to have her as a friend. This doesn't make me anything special (although we're all special or peculiar as MEE would say) - she loves everyone and would gladly spend time with each of us if there were enough hours in the day.

SO... I decided to post a bunch of links to talks by one of my favorite speakers - Mary Ellen Edmunds. I will start with her most recent talk that I had the pleasure of listening to at this past Women's Conference. If it doesn't make you laugh at least once I'll eat a bug.

Seasoned to Perfection (WC 2007)

Click HERE to listen (right-click to download)

A Change of Mind, A Fresh View, A Turning of the Heart (WC 2006)

Click HERE to listen (right-click to download)

Be of Good Cheer (EW 2004)

Click HERE to listen (right-click to download)

Let Your Heart Rejoice and Be Exceedingly Glad (WC 2004)

Click HERE to listen (right-click to download)

If I have time - I'll post more later!!


The Very Root of Christian Doctrine

Last year I started a new way of studying the scriptures - I choose a yearly theme as an overview for my studies. Last year, it was the Holy Ghost. It was amazing to me how much I learned about the Holy Ghost as I studied my scriptures with Him in mind. This year I chose the atonement - and I am learning so much about this beautiful, continuous, infinite gift from our Savior. I found this talk at the very beginning of the year and have read it and listened to it numerous times. It is one of the best talks I have ever found on the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Click HERE to listen to it (or right-click to download it to your computer).
Click HERE to read it.

I hope that this talk touches your heart as much as it has mine.


PS Please feel free to come back to the site (http://MormonMomCast.com/talks) and leave your comments after you listen!


Hello everyone! Well, I've decided to start a blog of my favorite talks. I don't know how often I will have the time to update - but PLEASE feel free to subscribe to my email updater (on the side-bar on the left) so that you know when there's a new talk to download. I'll try for at least once a week. There might be more in the beginning because I have so many in mind. I am going to leave the comments open for now - cause I'd love your feedback about the talks. If any anti's or spam comes along, I will close comments. Anyhow, glad to have you join me. I welcome ideas for improving this blog - so let me know!!

